
? What they said about breastfeeding

This section discusses common misconceptions new mothers face regarding breastfeeding and provides scientific responses to debunk these myths.

The mother does not need  help with breastfeeding, it is just breastfeeding.

It is advisable for the mother and family to prepare for breastfeeding during pregnancy and before birth. This preparation can involve increasing awareness about breastfeeding, understanding the challenges through educational workshops or lectures, and reading extensively from trustworthy sources. Additionally, preparing the father and family members is crucial to ensure successful and sustained breastfeeding in the initial days and weeks.

If you do not start breastfeeding right after giving birth, you will never be able  to breastfeed.

Indeed, it is advantageous to begin breastfeeding right after birth, but if that is not possible, there is no  need for concern. It is never too late to start breastfeeding with the assistance of a guide, along with stimulating the breast to encourage milk production.

Breastfeeding causes breast sagging.

One of the most common misconceptions among new mothers is that breastfeeding causes breast sagging. Which is not true, breastfeeding does NOT cause sagging. The hormonal and physical changes that a mother undergoes from pregnancy to childbirth are among the causes that expose the breast to sagging. Therefore, mothers are advised to exercise for their mental and physical health as well.

Not quite right, as breastfeeding is based on increasing the weight of the child in a healthy way, and may help prevent obesity in children.

My baby is not getting enough milk.

Signs that your baby is getting enough breast milk:  Consistent weight gain: Regular weight checks are a good way to monitor your baby’s growth and ensure they are getting enough breast milk. If your baby is gaining weight steadily, it’s a sign that they are getting the nutrients they need.  Wet diapers: A healthy breastfed baby will have 6-8 wet diapers per day. The color of the urine should be pale yellow, not dark or concentrated.  Calm behavior after feeding: Once your baby has finished feeding, they should be content and relaxed. If they are still fussy or crying, it could be a sign that they are still hungry.  Additional signs:  Active and alert: Your baby should be active and alert when awake. They should respond to stimuli and have good eye contact.  Sleeping well: Most breastfed babies sleep for 7-9 hours per night, with some waking for night feedings.  If you are concerned about your baby’s milk intake, talk to your doctor or a lactation consultant. They can help you assess your baby’s feeding habits and make sure they are getting enough milk.

Breast milk is the main source of nutrition for the baby. Despite the challenges that a mother faces during breastfeeding, with practice and perseverance, she will be able to overcome them. This will make her breastfeeding journey easier and more enjoyable, and it will strengthen the bond between her and her baby.

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